Sunday, 2 June 2013

Sansista Estrella

I choose the name Sansista Estrella a while ago now and when I did I got quite a few puzzled reactions from various other spiritual workers. After all Estrella is the female name for a star, so most practitioners quite understandable presumed that I must be female which in fact isn't the case.

However, there is a reason I chose this name. You see for me the star as a symbol has many contations: the power of hope, the renewing energy of faith, the element of water and for me a personal connection to the mystery that is La Sirena.

As the star of the sea, to me La Sirena manages to unite many of those qualities in herself. She reflects God's glory and reminds me to turn my eyes up towards Him. She acts as a guiding light when I am feeling lost and as a mother gives me shelter when I am in need of it.

It is for these reasons and more that I name myself Sansista Estrella, not for myself but in honour of her and all that she does for me.