Sailors, innovators, navigators and guides, the spirits of the Marinero commission are all these things and more. I first came to work with these spirits at a time of my life when I was in real need of direction. I had recently been let go from a job and my confidence and sense of purpose was at an all time low. By working with these spirits I was reminded of my degree and love of nature and turned to environmental volunteering as a way to both build my confidence and get my foot in the door of this career path.
This ability to offer direction and guidance for those lost at sea (figuratively or literally) is something that these seres are well known for and so they are often turned to for these matters. However they are also spirits associated with innovation and as such can help you to find new ways of doing and thinking about difficulties that may get in your way. I also have a strong association with them and travel as for me they are spirits that take you somewhere new. Therefore I might also ask them for protection or help when travelling to a new or familiar destination (especially when it comes to travelling over seas).
As is often the case I have found there to be a profound connection between La Sirena and the marinero spirits that have approached me. For my la Sirena and my guide have directed me towards these seres and the marinero act at this mysterio behest.
When working with the marinero it can be best to offer them a candle along with water, white wine or perhaps even a little rum.
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